Take the Pledge Now

Take the Pledge!

By entering your information below, you are promising the following:

•  I will not use pornography in any format (including internet, video, magazines, strip clubs, escorts).

•  I will not knowingly enter into any intimate relationship with a person who uses pornography in any format.

Please enter your real first name, not an Internet nickname.

Only enter email if you think you may change your mind, as we will
require that you email us (info/at/nopornpledge/dot/com) from this address
in order to delete you. Your email address will not be posted.

Please only sign once! If you find yourself needing to sign this pledge once a week, NoPornPledge is not enough to help you, Mark and Bill. Please find a qualified therapist by clicking here.

    Take the Pledge Now.

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    A joint project of the AntiPorn Activist Network, Through The Flame.org, and one angry girl designs.